Providing thought provoking information and resources for Ranchers that have a desire to be Responsible, Adaptive, and Profitable. From cows, to land, to people, and technology... issues every ranch deals with. Hosted by Justin Mills, a 4th generation Wyoming Rancher. A production of Working Ranch Magazine.
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Ep 126: What Does the BQA Audit Say About Our Beef Industry?
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
In our primary education we had report cards. It was a method that could tell us if we were on track, where we were falling short, and monitored our progress. The BQA Audit serves in that capacity for our industry as it evolved out of an era over 30 years ago in which consumer demand was in the tank. So the industry took the bull by the horns (so to speak) and began issuing a BQA Audit every five years. Today we review the results of the latest audit. From the positives to the areas needing improvements, what is means to us as ranchers, and at the end of the day for the consumer.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #allflexna #inheritselect #zoetis #tanktoad #gelbvieh #BeefCheckoff
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Ep 125: Principles over Practices w/ Dallas Mount
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
If your ranch struggles with profitability… maybe it’s time to consider the difference between Ranching Principles versus Ranching Practices. Dallas Mount, Owner of Ranch Management Consultants is my guest as we discuss the danger to the lifespan of your operation when focusing on the “Practices” keeps you from adapting to changes in the industry. But change can be tough considering our fear of failure. Principles over Practices.... it’s not necessarily a new idea, but it is revolutionary when a ranch figures it out.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #allflexna #inheritselect #zoetis #tanktoad #gelbvieh #ranching4profit #Truth #GrossMargin
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
To become one of the largest horse sales in the west… what does that take? Jann Parker, manager of the BLS Horse Sale in Billings, MT is my guest as we discuss how they handle the issues that can arise specifically when it comes to selling horses, how do they provide assurance to buyers , what has made BLS an exceptional "Loose Horse Sale Market", what’s hot in the market today, how have they adapted to changes over the years, and what does the future look like in the horse sale business.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #allflexna #inheritselect #zoetis #tanktoad #gelbvieh #thisisBLS #cowboyslivehere #thisisBLS #welikehorses #ranchhorse #horsesale
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Ep 123: Why Global Beef Supply Outlook Is Supportive To Our Future Domestic Markets.
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
Saturday Jun 24, 2023
To fully understand our domestic cattle markets, we need a grasp on the Global Beef Supply. Brett Stuart, with Global AgriTrends, is my guest as we talk world beef supply numbers. What countries are driving US Beef exports and why Plus, we’ll address why there are beef imports from other countries and some concerns on imports. Finally, why the long term forecast for global beef supplies sheds a positive light on the future for our cattle prices.
Link: Global AgriTrends Newsletter Subscription Link
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #allflexna #inheritselect #zoetis #tanktoad #gelbvieh #GlobalBeefSupply #BeefExports #BeefImports
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Ep 122: Make Changes or Go Broke?
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
When you look head-on into the future of your ranch, are your management decision and day to day operations creating a viable multi-generational business, or is it over when you’re done? Making critical management changes in your operation that moves away from traditional practices can be hard. Kurt Myllymaki, a rancher and farmer from Stanford, MT joins me today as we talk about how they migrated their operation away from traditional practices they felt were creating too much stress and strain on their land, livestock, and their own quality of life… and in the long run the future of their operation.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #allflexna #inheritselect #zoetis #tanktoad #gelbvieh #LeopoldConservation #conservation
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Ep 121: Proactive Drought Management on Stocking Rates
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
In agriculture our livelihood begins with a drop of rain, and when it doesn’t come, decisions must be made. As ranchers it’s about stocking rates. So how can we be proactive in our management rather than reactive? Keith Harmoney, with Kansas State University, joins me today as he discusses the factors we should assess both in coming out of a drought or potentially headed into one. Plus, a Decision Tree Tool that can be used in providing preemptive management as you make plans when turning out to grass. Links below.
- Webinar on Decision Making For Grass Turnout
- Decision Making Tree (Flow Chart)
- Cawker City Precipitation Example
- Scott City Precipitation Example
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #allflexna #inheritselect #zoetis #tanktoad #gelbvieh #drought #grassturnout
Saturday May 27, 2023
Ep 120: Animal Traceability: Overreach or a Good Defense
Saturday May 27, 2023
Saturday May 27, 2023
On the heels of a recent BSE case in the US, let’s discuss Animal Traceability. And while it’s been a subject that has been debated within our industry, the recent BSE case provided a glimpse of what traceability looks like and its defense of our industry. Lia Biondo, Executive Vice President of US Cattlemen’s Association is my guest as we talk about what’s ahead with Animal Traceability, what does it looks like to the Cow Calf or Yearling operations, and while different in purpose, we'll talk about Country Of Original Labeling.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #allflexna #inheritselect #zoetis #tanktoad #breedingseason #traceability #mcool #bse #ranchers #usdaaphis
Saturday May 20, 2023
Ep 119: Evaluating Your Breeding Costs: AI’ing vs Natural Service
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
Breeding Costs… do you really have a good grasp on what yours are? Andrew Griffith, Livestock Economist with the University of Tennessee, is my guest today as we work through the Cost Benefit Analysis of Timed Ai’ing and Natural Service. We’ll discuss the strengths and weakness of each of these methods as well as the economic and how that ties in with the costs associated with each respective method and the size of your cow herd.
*White Paper Link: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Timed A.I. and Natural Service in Beef Cattle
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #allflexna #inheritselect #zoetis #tanktoad #breedingseason
Saturday May 13, 2023
Ep 118: Flies Suck! Make Sure Your Control Method Doesn’t
Saturday May 13, 2023
Saturday May 13, 2023
Flies! All of us in the cattle business deal with them. They contribute to over a billion dollars in potential financial loses to our cattle industry each year, which includes you. And before you repeat what you’ve always done or get sold on the latest product from the feed store, or get caught up in the latest all natural methods… maybe it’s time to re-evaluate. Dave Boxler, (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) is my guest as we discuss the various flies control methods. From those that have been around for several years to new emerging practices. Now You may not change anything, but at least you’ll have more confidence in the direction you’re headed, or you'll consider other options that fit your management.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #allflexna #inheritselect #zoetis #tanktoad #UNL #flycontrol #garlicsalt
Saturday May 06, 2023
Ep 117: A Plethora of Topics…
Saturday May 06, 2023
Saturday May 06, 2023
In the classic western film "The Three Amigos" there is a discussion on knowing what a Plethora is. So after 1 hour and 44 minutes of research (coincidentally is the same length of this classic film), I determined that today we have a plethora of topics in store for you. Meteorologist Don Day will not only be in to talk long term weather, but we’ll have an extended conversation on Sea Surface Temperatures. Also we’ll hear about how Merck Animal Health’s buyout of Allflex is impacting ranchers and we’ll have our guest from last week, Dr. John Hutcheson, on to answer some follow up questions from last week's show regarding: Factors Effecting Calf Prices.
*Link: Stockmanship School Form - Cottonwood Guest Ranch, NV June 1-4
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #zinpro #Availa4 #Simmental #allflexna #marketingcalves #KSU #Merck #climatechange
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Ep 116: Animal and Program Factors Affecting Calf Prices
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
A study by Kansas State University and Merck Animal Health analyzed the results of two years’ worth of sales through Superior Livestock specifically looking at the factors that affected those calf prices. Today, Dr. John Hutcheson, with Merck Animal Health joins me to talk about the results. From management practices to programs and vaccination protocols to weaning… are you seeing a justifiable rate of return for the cost of implementing them There are some things that are easy to do and offer a good rate of return, while others you may to think through. Find out what those are on today’s show.
Link: KSU-Merck Calf Vaccination Program Assessment Tool
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #zinpro #Availa4 #biozyme #gainsmart #PerformanceLivestockAnalytics #Simmental #allflexna #huntprivate #landtrust #marketing #KSU #Merck
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Ep 115: A Legal Perspective on Estate Planning
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Estate Planning... a big issue our family ranches must deal with, but often avoided or do it incorrectly in trying to save money. This only creates bigger problems after Mom and Dad have passed. Attorney Dal Houston joins us today as we discuss topics like trusts versus a will. The difference between a revocable trust and an irrevocable trust, practical information on LLC’s, plus much more. You might be thinking this is a show Mom and Dad need to listen to, but if you ranch in any way, shape, or size, no matter your age… I’d advise you to listen in.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Simmental #allflexna #estateplanning #ranchfamilies
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Ep 114: Iowa… It’s Role In Our Cattle Industry
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
We’re headed to Iowa, and we'll be talking about Iowa’s Cattle Industry. Brad Kooima, Commodities Broker and Cattle Feeder is my guest today as we learn about the heart of the cattle industry in Iowa… the Independent Farmer-Feeders and how that segment evolved. Plus, we’ll discuss how they market their cattle to the packers, the change in the types of cattle being fed, ethanol, how it impacts the industry beyond the state, and the rural grass root elements entwined in their industry from the people to the cattle.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #zinpro #Availa4 #biozyme #gainsmart #PerformanceLivestockAnalytics #Simmental #allflexna #agritourism #recreation #huntprivate #iowacattle #farmerfeeders
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Ep 113: LandTrust – Capturing the Recreational Value of Your Land
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
If you own your land, would you say you’re in the Cow Business or the Land Business? If you answered Cow Business, you may be limiting your financial potential of your resources. Nic De Castro, Founder and CEO of @LandTrust is my guest today as he shares with me how they are pioneering an avenue the helps landowner monetize the recreational assets of their land in practically a turn-key method. However, I have a few questions like... liability, quality control of the guests, payment, and how much say do I have in this process. But even if all my concerns are addressed, where and how do I even start?
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #zinpro #Availa4 #biozyme #gainsmart #PerformanceLivestockAnalytics #Simmental #allflexna #agritourism #recreation #huntprivate
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Ep 112: Good Grazing Makes Cent$
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Collaborative efforts can be a great resource, which pretty much describes the basis for our subject today. It’s called Good Grazing Makes Cent$, a program born out of the resources and work of the Society for Range Management. Erika Fitzpatrick and Dave Voth join me as we explore the purpose of this program and how it can be a great resource for ranchers and land use managers to expand their knowledge and education on a variety of ranch management topics.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #zinpro #Availa4 #biozyme #gainsmart #PerformanceLivestockAnalytics #Simmental #grazing #SRM #WeAreRangelands