Providing thought provoking information and resources for Ranchers that have a desire to be Responsible, Adaptive, and Profitable. From cows, to land, to people, and technology... issues every ranch deals with. Hosted by Justin Mills, a 4th generation Wyoming Rancher. A production of Working Ranch Magazine.

Friday May 27, 2022
Ep 72: Did Someone Say, “Free Fertilizer?”
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
Fertilizer costs have skyrocketed… not to mention high costs in other inputs items like diesel. It’s time to step back and think about what we are doing. John Lory and Craig Roberts with the University of Missouri Extension join me to talk about what we can do to mitigate these higher fertilizer costs through making good use of “Free Fertilizer” in our pastures through Intensive grazing and the use and management of legumes in the plant diversity of our pastures.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Simmental #OneToughAnimal #bobcat #fertilizer #legumes #soilscience #freefertilizer #grazingschool

Friday May 20, 2022
Ep 71: Sustainability… Bring It On!
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
If I throw out the term Sustainable Beef, what comes to mind? Three ranchers join me as we have a roundtable discussion about "Sustainability" and what it means to those of us at the grassroots level of ranching. My guests are Steve Wooten from Colorado, Mike Williams from California, and Debbie Lyons-Blythe from Kansas are all full-time ranchers are part of the US Round Table for Sustainable Beef.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Simmental #OneToughAnimal #bobcat #legacy #sustainability #sustainablebeef @sustainablepractices #USRSBeef

Friday May 13, 2022
Ep 70: Farming Without the Bank… Oxymoron?
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
A significant element to most ranches is your finances, which means a relationship with a banking institution. But could you do what you’re doing, now, without the bank… or maybe just less of a reliance on a bank? Mary Jo Irmen, Author of the book Farming Without the Bank is my guest as we discuss her book and a concept of what she believes could be a useful financing tool for those of us in agricultural operations. But if you think this show is all about selling this concept… think again.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Simmental #OneToughAnimal #bobcat #FarmingWithouttheBank #agbanking #FarmFinance #farmdebt

Friday May 06, 2022
Ep 69: Finding the Genetic Markets for an Optimal Grazing Cow
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
If you could genetically select for replacements heifers with confidence knowing you’d highly improve the number of cattle in your herd that will perform in your environment… how would that affect your profitability? Edward Bork, with the University of Alberta is my guest as we talk about a research project underway to help ranchers customize their cattle to fit the type of landscape and forage resources. Are there genetic traits that can be identified to give that assurance to ranchers in their breeding programs?
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #ranchlife #dayweather #weather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Simmental #OneToughAnimal #bobcat #Akaushi #UAlberta #grazing #climate #geneticresearch

Friday Apr 29, 2022
Ep 68: RIPE100... A plan to provide a Carbon Market.
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
There’s a lot of uncertainty when it come to the Carbon Market in our industry. Martin Barbre with RIPE, a coalition of farmers, ranchers, and agricultural trade association representatives joins me today to discuss their RIPE100 plan that would begin to build a framework for a carbon market available to Ranchers and Farmers. What’s its purpose, how is it going to work, and is being a government program a good thing?
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #ranchlife #dayweather #weather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Simmental #OneToughAnimal #bobcat #americanher #limousincattle #Akaushi #CarbonMarket #CarbonFarming #RIPE #RIPE100

Friday Apr 22, 2022
Ep 67: Stocker Enterprise: Supplementing With the Best ROI
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Stockers. A lot of money can be made or lost in how they are developed. But it's an enterprise you may want to consider. Karla Wilke, Beef Extension Specialist with the University of Nebraska walks us through why stockers maybe a good option for enterprise diversification as well as drought management. Plus, the optimal levels of supplement amounts that will offer the most return on our investment.
Link: 2021 Range Beef Cow Symposium Proceedings
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #ranchlife #dayweather #weather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Simmental #OneToughAnimal #bobcat #americanher #limousincattle #Akaushi #stockers #yearlings #suppliment #UNLBeef

Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Ep 66: Status Update! Three Bills Impacting Ranching in DC.
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
Saturday Apr 16, 2022
An update on the progress of three bills back in Washington DC that directly affect the Ranching Industry. US Cattlemen’s Association’s Policy Advisor Jess Peterson and Executive Vice President Lia Biondo join me to discuss the Cattle Price Discovery and Transparency Act, the COOL bill called the American Beef Labeling Act, and the A-Plus Act granting Sale Barns access to participate in small to medium sized packing facilities.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #ranchlife #dayweather #weather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Simmental #OneToughAnimal #bobcat #americanher #limousincattle #angus #USCattlemens #COOL

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Ep 65: The Horse. From essential to…
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Horses. Once a part of the Working Ranch used daily to today... not so much. Idaho Horseman and Stockman, Martin Black is my guest as we talk about the evolution of using horses. We look back to when they were highly essential to today’s ranches that may or may not rely on the use of a horse. Also, who were his influences growing up in the Great Basin area of the West, and the economics of using a horse over mechanical options.
Plus Limousin will be in today’s Breed Spot Light.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #ranchlife #dayweather #weather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Simmental #OneToughAnimal #bobcat #americanher #limousincattle #angus #dlccranch #jorgensenbulls #MartinBlack #horsework #horse #ranchhorse

Friday Apr 01, 2022
Ep 64: Spring Grazing with Drought Uncertainty & Grazing Under a Pivot
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
As the green grass is poking up, how do we manage our grazing with uncertainty of a drought. Jim Gerrish, grazing consultant and speaker with American Grazing Lands is my guest to offer advice for grazing during this spring and summer with the uncertainty of drought… plus will also touch on grazing under a pivot.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #ranchlife #dayweather #weather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Simmental #OneToughAnimal #bobcat #americanher #limousincattle #angus #dlccranch #jorgensenbulls #droughtgrazing #intensivegrazing #jimgerrish

Friday Mar 25, 2022
Ep 63: Blockchain Technology in Ranching.
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Today we jump into the deep waters of technology with a conversation on Blockchain Technology and how it integrates with Ranching. Steve Lupien, Director of the Center for Blockchain & Digital Initiative for the University of Wyoming is our guest to explain how this technology not only fits into our beef business, but also how it’s tied to another buzz word topic right now... Carbon Credits.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #ranchlife #dayweather #weather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Simmental #OneToughAnimal #bobcat #americanherf #limousincattle #angus #dlccranch #jorgensenbulls #theworldneedsmorecowboys #beefchain #blockchain #carboncredits

Friday Mar 18, 2022
Ep 62: Why Own Cows?
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Is owning cows in a cow/calf operation your best option? Dallas Mount, CEO for Ranch Management Consultants, returns as a guest as we evaluate owning cows in a Cow/Calf Operation. Yes there are positives, to which we will talk about, but there are also some serious down sides. Why is he negative on owning cows? And what do you measure against to validate the negatives of owning cows.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #ranchlife #dayweather #weather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Simmental #OneToughAnimal #bobcat #americanherf #limousincattle #connealyangus #angus #dlccranch #dallasmount #ranchmanagement #ranching4profit

Friday Mar 11, 2022
Ep 61: Marketing Your Cattle In 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Now is the time to be thinking about your cattle marketing plans for 2022. Clint Berry, Marketing Rep for Superior Livestock is my guest as we talk about what to plan for as you look at various options for marketing your cattle. Plus, we revisit our previous discussion on Program Cattle and if that is right for your operation. If your selling cattle in 2022, this show is for you.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #ranchlife #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #dondayweather #weather #Simmental #OneToughAnimal #bobcat #americanherf #limousincattle #connealyangus #angus #marketingcattle #hossmarketsonsuperiorlivestock

Friday Mar 04, 2022
Ep 60: Meteorologist Don Day: Weather Outlook for 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
As La Nina fades off, what does the weather pattern look like across the country for 2022. Meteorologist Don Day joins us for the entire show as we talk weather patterns that he is watching and how it will affect the many regions across the country. Plus, we'll get into a discussion on climate change and our weather.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #ranchlife #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #dondayweather #weather #Simmental #americanherf #limousincattle #connealyangus #angus #weatheroutlook

Friday Feb 25, 2022
Ep 59: Have you thought about… Sheep?
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Maybe you’ve considered sheep for your ranch or your totally adverse to it, nevertheless, you’ll find today’s topic extremely informative. Sage Askin, a rancher from Wyoming that runs cattle, sheep, and goats across several states, is my guest as we discuss the details of his sizable sheep operation and why it is part of his enterprise mix for his ranch.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #ranchlife #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #dondayweather #weather #Simmental #americanherf #limousincattle #connealyangus #angus #askinlandandlivestock #sheep

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Ep 58: Two Topics: Risk Management & Fetal Programming
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
We cover two subjects. First, on Risk Protection tools available. From Futures contracts to LRP’s, Craig VanDyke with StoneX Financial will break it down and provide direction in how you can start and what to expect from those that offer these services. Then, Dr. Kelly Sanders steps in as we talk about Fetal Programming as we drill down on the basics of what it means to us as ranchers.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #ranchlife #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #dondayweather #weather #Simmental #kingranchinstitute #americanherf #limousincattle #connealyangus #riskmanagement #cattlefurtures #LRP #livestockriskprotection #westwayfeeds #fetalprogramming