Providing thought provoking information and resources for Ranchers that have a desire to be Responsible, Adaptive, and Profitable. From cows, to land, to people, and technology... issues every ranch deals with. Hosted by Justin Mills, a 4th generation Wyoming Rancher. A production of Working Ranch Magazine.

Saturday Jul 20, 2024
Ep 175: There’s An App For That w Dave Voth
Saturday Jul 20, 2024
Saturday Jul 20, 2024
No doubt you’ve heard the phrase, “There’s an App for That”. On this program, Dave Voth with Good Grazing Makes Cents, joins us as we discuss a few of the apps that are available to us for Grazing Management. He’ll give us his review of some, and we’ll discuss others that he’s excited about as well. But the purpose for an app is to help us be efficient in our management which in turn assists in our efforts to be profitable. Joins us for a practical conversation about Grazing Apps. Plus find out what Dave says is the most underrated app/software that is extremely useful for management and planning purposes.
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #K-line #cowpunchercoffee #gelbvieh #HallandHall #TankToad #Appforthat #googlearth #onX #PastureMap #profitablity #grazingmanagement #SRM

Saturday Jul 13, 2024
Ep 174: Mid-Summer Nutrition & Cow Herd Planning
Saturday Jul 13, 2024
Saturday Jul 13, 2024
Dr. Steve Paisley, (University of Wyoming) is back as a guest as we focus of Mid-Summer Nutrition in our cow herd. Some of you are dealing with little to no grass, while other have grass, but its quality is quickly declining. So, what are some options? Also, the market is good right now. What factors should you consider as you make strategic plans for the coming months both in cow retention and marketing. Finally, we'll talk about heifer selection. It’s a good time to be in the cattle business, so tune in and we discuss how you can be strategic and smart as you work through these summer months.
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #K-line #cowpunchercoffee #gelbvieh #hallandhall #tanktoad #profitablity #planning #strategic #planning #nutrition #selection

Saturday Jun 29, 2024
Ep 173: Caution! False Profits in Higher Markets w Allan Crockett
Saturday Jun 29, 2024
Saturday Jun 29, 2024
With the high cattle markets it easy to get lulled into a false sense of profitability. Allan Crockett is back as our guest as we are halfway through the calendar year and it’s a good time to reevaluate and be proactive for both planning for the rest of this year and future business plans. From marketing to tax Planning, to making wise decisions with how we can invest our profit so that we can take advantage of growth opportunities when they arrive. Now is not a time to be complacent. It’s your business… so let’s grab a gear and take it to the next level.
- Contact Info: Allan Crockett, WillCox, AZ | lallancrockett@gmail.com
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #K-line #cowpunchercoffee #gelbvieh #profitablity #planning #strategic #planning

Saturday Jun 22, 2024
Ep 172: What’s This Fall Cattle Market Gonna Look Like w Clint Berry
Saturday Jun 22, 2024
Saturday Jun 22, 2024
It's a market like we’ve never seen before! Clint Berry is back with us as we recap the results from the latest Superior Livestock Video Sale and talk about the tone it set as we look ahead to the summer sales and fall run. . Are we seeing any sign of herd retention? Is there the return on adding value to your calves whether it’s through various marketing programs to weaning… and how should you view those types of management decisions? Plus, a stark warning about sitting in the middle of either selling your calves all natural or using the technology available to add weight to your calves. What’s the best valued animal in the market? And we'll wrap up our conversation with his biggest concern in the market right now.
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #InheriteSelect #K-line #cowpunchercoffee #gelbvieh #cattlemarket #fallrun #bredcows #steers #heifers #SuperiorLivestock

Saturday Jun 15, 2024
Ep 171: Fetal Programming – The Framework Powering Your Genetic Potential
Saturday Jun 15, 2024
Saturday Jun 15, 2024
Ron Scott (Purina) is my guest as we jump into a deep discussion on Fetal Programming. We’ll explore a study done out of NDSU on heifer calves all the way from birth to a calving cow and the correlation between the nutrition, minerals, vitamins, their mommas received and their performance as 1st time mommas and their ability to re-breed. Fetal Programming is a subject that dove tails nicely into last week’s episode and it's a factor we really need to understand in our effort as ranchers to raising cattle that are profitable for our operation… which means cattle that are maximizing their genetic potential and staying in the herd longer.
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #InheriteSelect #K-line #cowpunchercoffee #gelbvieh #purina #windandrain #rebreed #secondcalf #fetalprogramming #cowlongevity #nutrition #minerals

Saturday Jun 08, 2024
Ep 170: Chasing That "Elusive" Second Calf
Saturday Jun 08, 2024
Saturday Jun 08, 2024
The cost of not getting the second calf from a heifer you either bought our developed is a big hit. Karla Wilke, (University of Nebraska) joins us today as we go through several discuss points regarding getting that "elusive" second calf. While some would say “don’t baby the girl”, there could be some flaws in that theory. And what about the genetics we are breeding into our herd and how it should relate to our physical environment. It's a balance between too much and not enough in managing the first calf heifers after calving, because too far in either direction is a loss in profitability.
Plus a bonus topic today as we discuss GPS dog collars and the use to manage our Livestock Guardian Dogs with Spot On Fence. Use custom discount code LGD125 at spotonfence.com for $125 off!
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #InheriteSelect #K-line #cowpunchercoffee #gelbvieh #rebreed #secondcalf #environment #genetics #gps #dogcollars #gpsfence #spotonfence #guardiandogs

Saturday Jun 01, 2024
Ep 169: Adaptive Grazing w Allen Williams… Cheaper Than Buying More Land
Saturday Jun 01, 2024
Saturday Jun 01, 2024
"Everything that happens out here creates compounding cascading effects, and those effects are never neutral. They're either positive or negative"... a quote from our guest Allen William (Understanding Ag and Soil Health Academy). On this show he explains Adaptive Grazing and how it can generate positive effects on your ranch. Allen will explain what it IS, what it is NOT, and the 3 rules adaptive grazing. The best part about it is... it's simple and practical. At the end of the day, it’s about creating a healthier soil that can generate more net production, more profit, and be more resilient in drought. Here’s another angle... Land is not getting any cheaper and rather than buy more land maybe your greatest return on investment is right under your feet.
Plus a bonus interview on K-Line Irrigation!
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #InheriteSelect #K-line #cowpunchercoffee #understandingag #SoilHelathAcademy #StockingRate #StockingDensity #carboncowboys #irrigation #grass

Saturday May 18, 2024
Ep 168: Estate Planning: Procrastination is Your Enemy
Saturday May 18, 2024
Saturday May 18, 2024
The gloves are off, which is usually what happens between siblings after Mom & Dad are gone if a good estate plan is not in place. Today we’re gonna take the gloves off and get gritty in a discussion with Attorney Rick Durfee (Durfee Law Group) about estate planning and the family dynamics that can often create conflict. Plus, the danger of relying on a Will as an estate management tool, some of the tools that can be used in good proactive Estate Management, and the dangers of kicking this can down the road. This is not a warm fuzzy show, but if you value the legacy you would like to leave behind… listen in.
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #InheriteSelect #Kline #estateplanning #family #conflict #dynasticplanning #multigenerational

Saturday May 11, 2024
Ep 167: Weather Outlook: Summer & Fall… Brrr?
Saturday May 11, 2024
Saturday May 11, 2024
Meteorologist Don Day joins us for the full program as we look at our extended weather forecast for the summer and fall across North America. He’ll discuss what lies ahead as a La Nina weather pattern begins to take shape. But first a discussion on modern weather forecasting and what it’ll take to have even more accurate forecasts. And, are you an Antidotal Climatologist? Find out what that means. All of us are affected by the weather and today’s show will provide your insight to assist in your management decisions for the next six months.
Plus, a "Bonus" segment with Ted Perry of Purina on leveraging our management in marketing our calves and in our replacements.
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #InheriteSelect #Kline #BeefMonth #PurinaCattle #Marketing #nutrition #mineral #AgWeather #LaNina #forecast #meteorology

Saturday May 04, 2024
Ep 166: Bird Flu… What If!!
Saturday May 04, 2024
Saturday May 04, 2024
It's more about the "unknown" than the "known" when it comes to Avian Influenza (Bird Flu). Dr. Fred Gingrich, American Association of Bovine Practitioners, is my guest today as we discussed the Influenza Type A H5N1 outbreak now being confirmed in Dairy Cattle. As a beef cattle rancher I have A LOT of questions like... Are beef cows susceptible? What are the symptoms? How is it transferred? Is it fatal? Then, what it will do to consumer confidence in any products that come from cows... oh and then what about traceability? And then… what IF it shows up in a Beef Cow? Dr. Gingrich rates this issue at a level 8.5 to 9 on a scale of 10. For the sake of your ranch and for our cattle industry, tune in for today’s show.
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #InheriteSelect #Kline #BirdFlu #H5N1 #Traceability #purina #equine #horsenutrition

Saturday Apr 27, 2024
Ep 165: Hey! What’s This About? GPS Tags (701X) & FerAppease
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
Today you get to listen in as I talked with two, totally unrelated, products in our ranching industry that I am considering using on our ranch. The first is GPS tags in livestock. Rob Paxson with 701X lays out how GPS tag technology works, how you would use it, who’s using it, who controls the data, and of course the cost. Then we’ll hear about a product aimed to mitigate stress in livestock called FerAppease. Founder and developer Dr. Rodorigo Bacalho explains what it is, how it works, it purpose in a cattle operation, and of course dosage and cost. It’s not a show endorsing the products, but if I have questions about them... I’ll bet you do to.
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Gelbvieh #DiamondV #InheriteSelect #PrecisionAG #GPS #EarTag #technology #LivestockStress #pheromone #allnatural #701X #FerAppease

Saturday Apr 20, 2024
Ep 164: Right Way. Right Time. Maximizing the Potential in Your Cull Cattle
Saturday Apr 20, 2024
Saturday Apr 20, 2024
It’s all in the Title when it comes to Cull Cattle Management… Right Way… Right Time. Trey Patterson (Padlock Ranch) and Patrick Linnell (CattleFax) join me today as we discuss the details of a guide to Cull Cattle Management called Right Way – Right Time. Our initial discussion starts with looking at practices that lead to financial losses to our overall industry but also erodes consumer confidence. Then beyond being proactive in our physical management of these cull animals, how do we maximize their marketing potential? Are you leaving money on the table in the management of your cull cows and bulls?
Link: Right Way. Right Time. Guide to Cull Cattle Management
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Gelbvieh #DiamondV #InheriteSelect #culls #BQA #NCBA #marketing #management

Saturday Apr 13, 2024
Saturday Apr 13, 2024
The use of Antibiotics, Implants, and Feed Supplements... honestly it feels like the start of an awkward conversation. However, Dr. Michael Apley (KSU) unpacks these topics as we not only talk through the history of Antibiotics in our food animals, but also their purpose in today’s cattle industry… from both an animal efficiency point of view but also from an animal welfare perspective. Then we'll have a discussion on Implants being used and the narratives in our industry by both producers and consumers that tend create division. Then we'll get into the uses and value of using Ionophores and Beta Agonists in our livestock feed.
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Gelbvieh #DiamondV #InheriteSelect #FoodSafety #Antibiotics #Implants #Ionophores #BetaAgonists

Saturday Apr 06, 2024
Ep 162: “Product of USA”… Changes in Beef Labeling w Leo McDonnell
Saturday Apr 06, 2024
Saturday Apr 06, 2024
The USDA closed the loophole that requires IF a beef product CHOOSES to be labeled a "Product of the USA" it must be Born, Raised, Slaughtered, and Processed in the USA. Leo McDonnell is my guest as we get his take on this change. It's a topic he has been advocating for, for 25 years. And as we know Country of Origin Labeling has been a controversial issue in our industry for many years. So, what clicked… what was it in these latest changes that brought agreement amongst industry groups that have been at odds in the past on this issue? We’ll discuss that as well as his thoughts on the WTO, the results of the Consumer Survey on beef products, and why he believes this voluntary approach to Country-of-Origin Labeling could build cooperation in the industry.
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Gelbvieh #DiamondV #InheriteSelect #USCA #NCBA #BeefCheckOff #RCalf #TruthInLabeling

Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Ep 161: What Does Kansas Have To Do With Your Cattle Operation?
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Over 6 million head, that’s the size of the cattle herd in the state of Kansas and today Matt Perrier (Dalebanks Angus & host of Practically Ranching), 5th generation rancher from Eureka, KS, walks us through the history of the Kansas Cattle Industry. From those iconic Kansas cow towns to the expansion of the railroad, the arrival of the Black Angus in the US, and the Kansas City Stockyards and Packing houses. We'll also talk about the evolution of the Kansas Cattle Industry since the early 1900’s and how Kansas is a state that literally has every facet of the beef industry inside its boarders... from the rancher or the farmers to the feeder and the packer. Doesn't matter what part of the country you're from, you might be surprised in what you learn about what Kansas has to do with your ranching operation.
#workingranchmagazine #ranchlife #ranching #dayweather #weather #agweather #beef #cows #livestock #cattle #Gelbvieh #DiamondV #InheriteSelect #KLA #KansasCattle #practicallyranching