Providing thought provoking information and resources for Ranchers that have a desire to be Responsible, Adaptive, and Profitable. From cows, to land, to people, and technology... issues every ranch deals with. Hosted by Justin Mills, a 4th generation Wyoming Rancher. A production of Working Ranch Magazine.

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Epi 28: Succession Planning... The Elephant in the Room
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Succession Planning is a tough topic for ranching families to discuss, let alone get it done. Ranch Consultant and Coach Allan Crockett joins me as we talk about the differences between Estate Planning and Succession Planning, the first steps to start the process… and how this can impact your legacy to the next generation.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation @justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation @dayweather #succession #estateplanning #legacy @allancrockett

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Ep 27: Conservation Easements: Proceed with caution... Perpetuity is a long time.
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Conservation Easements. It’s a subject that brings out strong opinions for some and questions for others. We'll hear the pros and cons of this tool available for land owners and what to be aware of if you are considering a Conservation Easement. Kelly Beevers with Topos & Anthros provides a third-party perspective and Cole Mannix will provide the landowner view.
Plus, our Breed Spotlight shines on the Beefmaster Breed in this episode.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation @justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation @dayweather #conservationeasements #beefmaster @collinosbourn @kellybeevers @ColeMannix

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Ep 26: Risk Mitigation with LRP & PRF
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Much of our work as ranchers revolves around managing and protecting our investment in land, livestock, and other assets. But what about protection over things you can’t control, like the cattle markets and weather. Errol Rice of Ranchers Insurance details two products available from the USDA’s Risk Management’s Agency: The Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) and Pasture Range Forage Insurance (PRF).
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation @justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation @dayweather @errolrice #ranchersinsurance #RMA #USDA

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Ep 25: Angus...staying relevant to the commercial producer.
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
In 1873 two bulls of this breed were exhibited at the Kansas City Livestock Exposition. Some considered them freaks because they had no horns and where straight black. Today it’s the largest cattle breed in the country with a branded beef marketing program like no other. Mark McCully, CEO for the American Angus Association joins us to talk about how the breed has evolved, targeted breeding programs for the commercial rancher, and improvements he feels could be made in the angus cow.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation @justinmills.wyocowboy #angus #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation @dayweather @delcygraham

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Ep 24: The BIG Meeting on the BIG 4
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
It’s never been done before, but the concern in the cattle industry over the integrity of our markets and packer concentration brought the member leaders of six livestock groups together for one meeting. Three of those representatives in attendance at that meeting join me for a discussion about what was talked about, what’s at stake, and what success looks like to them.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation @justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation @dayweather #cows #beef #farmbureau #cattlemen #farmersunion #rcalfusa #uscattlemen #FairCattleMarkets

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Ep 23: First 100 days of the Biden Administration.
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Does the first 100 days of President Biden’s administration have you concerned and is the political climate in the country conducive to collaborative agreements? We talk with Jess Peterson of Western Skies Strategies on what we've seen and what we can do going forward.
Plus, a bonus topic this week as we talk with Mark Upton with Central Life Sciences about Fly Control.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation @justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation @dayweather #cows #jesspeterson #first100days #altosidigr

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Ep 22: Are cows a cause for climate change?
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
The ranching industry finds itself in the crosshairs on the issue of climate change… and denial is not an option. Dr. Frank Mitloehner, from UC Davis joins us to address the issue and answer the question, "Is ranching hurting our climate as some claim?"
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation @justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation @dayweather @GHGGuru #climatechange #cows

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Ep 21: Certified Angus Beef Program: What has it done?
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Certified Angus Beef. It’s a brand that has grown exponentially since its beginning in 1978. What has changed over the years and why? Rumors that non-angus cattle sell under the brand and how the CAB Brand has impacted the beef industry. Paul Dykstra, with Certified Angus Beef LLC is our guest.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation @justinmills.wyocowboy #angus #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation @dayweather #bestangusbeef

Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Ep 20: Parasites...control without compromise.
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Parasite control is paramount to herd health. If not managed it can be costly to any operation. What does effective control look like for our cattle herd that doesn’t build immunity in that parasite population and considers the good bugs in your soil? You might be surprised at what you hear from Dr. Mark Hilton.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation @justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation #grazing @dayweather #elancoanimalhealth

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Ep 19: Is Intensive Grazing Practical?
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Is Intensive Grazing just another fad or is there something to it? Wilbur Reed of Reed Ranch near Poplar, MT joins us to talk about how and why he moved into Intensive Grazing and will offer some practical advice and details. Plus, meteorologist Don Day on how the increased sun spot activity relates to our long term weather outlook.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation @justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation #grazing @dayweather

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Ep 18: BEEF - Accuracy of Grading, Quality Changes, & Trends.
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Dr. Bob Delmore from Colorado State University talks about the accuracy of the US Beef Grading System, the trends of Grass Feed and Wagyu Beef, how the quality of beef has shifted in the last 50 years, and what we, as ranchers, need to know about the beef packing part of the cattle industry.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation #beef #beefitswhatsfordinner

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Ep 17: Why so optimistic about the cattle markets?
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Randy Blach, CEO with CattleFax, joins us to talk about why he is so optimistic about our market outlook. We'll discuss influential factors including beef demand and harvest capacity and the trends that the calf market is calling for.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation #beef #cattlefax #cattlemarket

Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Ep 16: Crossbreeding heterosis for both terminal and maternal performance?
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
The demand for crossbred bulls among commercial ranchers has increased. We visit with Robb Forman of Trinity Farms out of Ellensburg, WA about heterosis, but not just about terminal performance but also about maternal traits… specifically fertility and longevity.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation #timobyrne @trinityfarmsellensburg

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Ep 15: Hot Topics and 90 Day Fog Weather Forecasting
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
The Captn', Tim O’Byrne, joins me as my guest. We'll discuss a couple hot national news topics regarding the livestock industry in Colorado and we'll highlight some outstanding Women in Agriculture. Plus, Meteorologist Don Day on the validity of 90 Day Fog Forecasting and a look at the long-term forecast.
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation @dayweather #timobyrne

Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Ep 14: Is Your Soil "Sick & Tired"?
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
It's easy to manage what we can see, but what about what we can’t see. Agroecologist and author Nicole Masters joins us as we discuss Soil Health through good management practices. Why it's profitable and ways to determine if your soil is "sick and tired".
#workingranchmagazine #workingranchnation #justinmills.wyocowboy #ranchlife #ranching #simmentalassociation #integritysoils